Chemistry play a very important role in our daily life. It has helped us to meet all our requirements for a better life such as food, good health, conforts etc. Without the knowledge of chemistry , our life would have been very dull and dreary. Some of important applications of chemistry are :-
<b> 1. Supply of Food :-</b> With increase in population the need for the overall amount of food has increased manifold. Moreover, with increase in the standards of life , there has been increased in the quality and variety of food. Chemistry has helped to achieve :-
* It has provided chemical fertilizers such as urea, calcium superphosphate , sodium nitrate etc. Which have increased the yield of crop and fruits.
* It has helped to protect the crops from insects and harmful bacteria by the use of certain effective insecticides , fungicides and pesticides.
* The use of preservatives has helped to preserve food product like jam , butter etc for a long period.
<b> 2. Contribution to Better Health and Sanitation :-</b> Chemistry has contributed towards better health and sanitation in number of ways such as :-
* It has provided mankind with a large number of life savings drugs.
* Discover of anaesthetics has made surgical operations more and more successful.
* The use of insecticides such as DDT and Gammexane has reduces the hazzards of diseases .
* Synthetic vitamins and tonics have contributed significantly towards better health.
<b> 3. Saving the Environment :-</b> Refrigerants like chlorofluorocarbons which destroy the ozone layer have been replaced by environment - friendly chemicals.
<b> 4. Increase in conforts, pleasure and Luxuries :-</b> Chemistry has placed a large number of utility goods at our disposal which have added to our conforts, pleasure and luxuries.
* Synthetic fibres :- In addition to the natural fibres like cotton, wool, silk etc. Which are more confortable, durable and attractive.
* Building Materials :- By supplying steel and cement , chemistry has helped in the construction for safer homes and multi-storeyed bulidings and dams and bridges which can last for centuries.
* Supply of Metals :- Mwtal like gold, silver , zinc and larger number of their alloys are used for making ornaments, utensils , coin and many industrial and agricultural implements.
* Articles of domestic use :- Chemistry has made our home more confortable by supplying a larger number of articles of domestics use such as Detergent , Oil , paper, glass, paints etc.
* Entertainment :- Cinema, one of the common sources of entertainment and also video camras make use of films which are made up of celluloid and coated with the suitable chemicals.
<b> 5. Transport and Communication :-</b> Almost all means of transport including automobiles, aeroplanes, helicopters, railways use either petrol or diesel or coal which are all chemical product.
<b> 6. Nuclear or Atomic Energy :-</b> In view of decreasing coal and petroleum resources, the world will soon be facing an energy crisis. Chemistry has come to the rescue by providing an alternate source of energy which is nuclear energy.
<b> 7. Application in Industry :-</b> Chemistry has played an important and useful role towards the developments and growth of number of industries, e.g glass, cement, papers etc.
<b> 8. Applications in War :-</b> Chemistry has also increased the striking power of man in war times. It is responsible for the discovery of highly explosives substances such as TNT , nitroglycerine , dynamite, and many others atom bomb and hydrogen bomb.
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