The compound which differ in their chemical and physical properties, but have the same molecular formula are known as isomers and the phenomenon is known as Isomerism. Example of this are ethyl alcohol and dimethyl ether have the same molecular formula and have distinctly different compounds.
<b>Isomerism are classified into following :-</b>
<b>1. Structural Isomerism :- </b> Isomers which differ in the arrangement of atoms within the molecule are known as structural isomers and the phenomenon are known as Structural Isomerism.
Structural Isomerism further classified as :-
* Chain Isomerism :- Isomers which differ in the arrangement of corbon atom with in tthe molecule are known as Chain isomers and the phenomenon is known as Chain Isomerism.
* Position Isomerism :- Isomers which differ in the position of attached multiple bond or groupare known as position isomers and the phenomenon are known as Position Isomerism.
* Functional Isomerism :- Isomers which differ in the nature of the functional groups, associated with them are known as functional isomers and the phenomenon is known as Functional Isomerism.
* Metamerism :- Isomers which differ in the number of alkyl groups attached on either side of the functional group in the molecule are known as metamers and the phenomenon is known as Metamerism.
* Tautomerism :- Special type of isomers which exist in dynamic equilibirium with each other are known as tautomers and the phenomenon are known as Tautomerism.
* Ring-Chain Isomerism :- Isomers having open chain and cyclic structure are known as ring chain isomersand the phenomenon are known as Ring-Chain Isomerism.
<b>Stereo Isomerism :-</b> Ismers having the same structural formula but differ only in the spatial arrangement of the constituent atoms or groups are known as stereo isomers and the phenomenon are known as Stereo Isomerism.
Stereo Isomerism are further classified as :-
* Configurational Stereoisomerism :- The stereo isomers which interconvert with difficulty and thus are isolable under normal conditions are known as Configurational isomer and the phenomenon are known as Configurational Stereoisomerism.
* Conformational Stereoisomerism:- The stereo isomers which are easily interconvertible into each other at room temprature through rotations about single bonds are known as conformational isomers and phenomenon are known as Conformational Isomerism.
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