We live on a wonderful planet, called the Earth , yet how little most of us really know about its composition and history. We consume the products of soil which have been formed by the weathered rocks ; we use coal, natural gas and oil formed from the remains of pre-historic plants and animals ; we enjoy the beauty of precious stones. But these are only a fraction of the valuable materials, which have been bestowed on us, by the Earth. Think of the importance of the Earths products in the development of modern industries. Our vast mineral resources , such as lead , iron , coal and petroleum are derived from the earth, and these basic products have been made available to us easily , by the application of science , which deals in the study of the Earth. This science , which deals with the study of the Earth , is known as Geology. The term "Geology" has been derived from the Greek words Geo + logos. Geo means earth , and logos means discourse or study or science. The subject of "Geology" , therefore, deals with the study of the wonderful planet 'Earth' , on which we are living. The science of Geology tell us about the origin , structure and history of the Earth and its inhabitants , as recorded in the rocks. Without its study , one remains ignorant about the same planet on which one is living.
The Earth has not only provided us with the minerals and other products , which are used and consumed by us ; but has also provided us with so many scenic things, which we call as the products of 'nature' or 'God'. The areas of exceptional beauty , like the great mountains , the deep awesome gorges , the fascinating lakes , the charming springs , the marvellous coral reefs , the spectacular volcanoes , the stupendous water falls , and what not. Even the man itself is a product of Earth and its surrounding environment. All these and many more things are the results of geological processes that are still at work within and on the Earth , even today. They are the same processes which began to shape the earth soon after its birth some four or five billion years ago.
The event of July 1969 took Geology out of its originalsphere , and plunged it into space Age : man had set foot on the moon and brought back samples of moon rocks for the geologist - the Earth scientist , to study. Who knows to what such studies will lead ? Shall we have a clearer picture of the origin of both moon and Earth ? Shall we find on the moon , rich mineral deposits, or minerals as yet unknown to us.
Perhaps , we will be visiting other planets with in our solar system in the coming years ; this too , will create fascinating new branches of geology.
But now , let us return to our own planet. To a geologist , the earth is not a simple globe , upon which we live ; it is an ever - present challenge to learn more about such things as earthquakes , volcanoes , glaciers and the meaning of fossils. How old is the earth ? Where did it come from ? Of what is it made of ? What will happen to it in future ? To answer such questions , the Earth scientists (geologist) must study the evidence of events that occurred millions of years ago. He must then relate his findings to the results of similar events that are happening today. He tries , for example , to determine the location and extent of ancient oceans and mountains , and to trace the evolution of life as recorded in the rocks of different ages. He studies the composition of rocks and minerals forming the crust of the Earth , in an attempt to locate and exploit the valuable economic products that are to be found there. In perusing his study , a geologist heavily relies upon other basic science such as astronomy , chemistry , physics , biology , zoology , botany etc. For example , astronomy , which deals with the study of the nature and movements of planets , stars and other heavenly bodies , tells him as to where the earth fits into the universe , and has also suggested several theories as to the origin of our planet. Chemistry , for example , deals with the study of the composition of substances and changes which they undergo , helps a geologist in analysing and studying the rocks and minerals of the Earths crust. The science of physics , which deals with the study of matter and motion , again helps a geologist to interpret and explain the various physical forces affecting our Earth , and the reactions of the Earths material to these forces.
Similarly , to understand and interpret the per-historic plants and animals , a geologist takes the help of biology , which deals with the all living forms. Similarly , Zoology provides him detailed information about the animals ; and botany gives insight into the nature of ancient plants. By using all these sciences as well as others , a geologist is better able to cope with the many complex problems that arise in the study of the Earth and it's history.
Sunday, October 13, 2013
GEOLOGY - An Introduction
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